Plots rooted phylogenies, cladograms, circular trees and phenograms in a
wide variety of user-controllable formats. The program is interactive and
allows previewing of the tree on PC, Macintosh, or X Windows screens,
or on Tektronix or Digital graphics terminals. Final output can be
to a file formatted for one of the drawing programs, for a ray-tracing or
VRML browser, or one at can be sent to a laser printer (such as Postscript
or PCL-compatible printers), on graphics screens or terminals, on pen
plotters or on dot matrix printers capable of graphics.
Select here to see a sample plot.
DRAWTREE. Similar to DRAWGRAM but plots unrooted phylogenies.
Select here to see a sample plot.
CONSENSE. Computes consensus trees by the majority-rule consensus tree
method, which also allows one to easily find the strict consensus tree.
Does NOT compute the Adams consensus tree. Trees are input in a tree file
in standard nested-parenthesis notation, which is produced by many of the
tree estimation programs in the package. This program can be used as the
final step in doing bootstrap analyses for many of the methods in the
Computes the Branch Score distance between trees, which allows for differences
in tree topology and which also makes use of branch lengths. Also computes the
Robinson-Foulds symmetric difference distance between trees, which allows for
differences in tree topology but does not use branch lengths.
Reads in a tree (with branch lengths if necessary) and allows
you to reroot the tree, to flip branches, to change species names and
branch lengths, and then write the result out. Can be used to convert
between rooted and unrooted trees, and to write the tree into a
preliminary version of a new XML tree file format which is under
development and which is described in the
RETREE documentation web page.