Registration form
Please fill this out if you have transferred any of our archives
Your name(s) and address
Name of person or persons who will own the copy
do not
use all upper-case letters or all lower-case letters,
include the name in the address,
spread address out over 3-4 lines as if you were addressing an envelope,
put the country (if not U.S.) on the last of these 3-4 lines.
Address, line 1
Address, line 2
Address, line 3 (if needed)
Address, line 4 (if needed)
Phone and e-mail information
Phone number
Fax number
e-mail address
what you have fetched (select all that apply):
  Documentation and C sources
  Documentation and Pascal sources
  Windows95 executables
  Windows3.x executables
  386 DOS executables
  pre-386 DOS executables
  PowerMac executables
  Macintosh executables
Computer information
Type of computer
Operating system
C Compiler or Pascal compiler (if you are going to recompile it, otherwise leave this empty)
Comments on who you are or on PHYLIP:
(no more than 255 characters)
Your address and contact information will not be sold or made widely available over the Internet. However I will make it available to users in your area, if they request a list of nearby users.
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