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Web or e-mail servers that can analyze data for you

This list gives only a brief description of each service. Congratulations to these groups for providing these free services.

The ftp servers

There are three major collections of older biology software available for transfer by ftp. Until about 1998 these collected many of the freely available phylogeny programs and redistributed them. They have been updated very little since then, partly because many program authors could distribute programs through their own web sites. They are thus of historical interest and for access to old programs. They are

These three archives originally contained almost the same programs, but they diverged some after 1996, and then after 1998 almost entirely ceased being updated.


The molbio part of the Indiana IUBio archive is mirrored (exact copies are maintained) in a number of countries (I do not know how current these mirrors are):

A mirror of the molbio section is maintained at in directory pub/molbio
A mirror of the molbio section is maintained at in directory /pub/GenSoft/mirrors/IUBio/molbio.
A mirror of the molbio section is maintained at in directory pub/sci/molbio/iumolbio

(This is the end of the software listings).

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